Saturday, December 25, 2010


Chloe and Connor are in town for Christmas so we decided to meet them, Michelle, and Ronnie at the zoo for ZooLights. The line was long but we got in quickly. Connor and Chloe entertained Camryn and Brandon while we waited in line. It would be nice to have them around more often.

Chloe and Camryn

Brandon, Connor, and Chloe waiting in line.

Camryn loved looking at the lights!

The talking giraffe was the highlight of the night for Camryn!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Helping Daddy Work

Derek cleans the Arizona Cardinals uniforms every week. He brought some of the jerseys home to work on. Camryn was so happy and proud to be helping him!

Camryn made this ornament for us at school last week. She was so excited to give it to us! I love it!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sunday Football at the Rana's

We had a fun Sunday at the Rana's watching football. We were able to get the kids to be quiet with a movie and a sucker.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Camryn loves to go to school so much! She keeps asking all morning long when it is time to go. This morning she wouldn't stop smiling so I had to snap a few pictures!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Superstition Springs Farm Moo-ey Christmas

My friend Kim was selling her EMMAZING GRACE CREATIONS at a boutique at Superstition Springs Farm so we decided to check it out. Camryn was in awe of the animals when we got there.

She would only get close enough to wave to the animals
We made smores

Camryn played in some fake snow that was actually cotton seed
We finished up with a hayride around the farm and got to see a lot a cows. Gotta love the smell!

Camryn and I decorated this gingerbread house together. It was a pre-built one but still not that easy. Camryn put all the candy on and then ate all the rest that were supposed to go on the tree and gingerbread man. Camryn definitely didn't get an artistic mom but it was still fun.